Weekend Soccer Round-up

Our A team put two battling home displays back to back; mid-week against Mervue where they enjoyed the brighter start to proceedings with plenty of possession and were 1-0 up for a long spell thanks to a Shane Bailey goal but eventually lost 3-1 with Mervue sealing the deal with 2mins to go with a 3rd goal. Again today, another intriguing league battle ensued, this time against Salthill. Alan Junior Finn in goal hadn’t too much to do given the dominance of the defensive four: Lee Murphy, Conor Jackson, Jayo Finn & Alo Finn who were pulling the strings at the back and snuffed out a lot of the danger. Salthill hit the post in the 1st half offering Colemanstown a lifeline while Squelchy Walsh & Shane Bailey shared the best chances for Colemanstown. The 2nd half continued in the same vein for the majority of the game but with 10mins to go Salthill scored the winner when the striker’s shot took a deflection off the post giving the advantage to the visitors. Colemanstown had a chance late on to salvage a draw when Alo Finn clipped the ball over the crossbar after a great cross from Ray Moran who played the entire game with a niggling injury. It was an unbelievable, spirited performance from our boys with the slender margin between the sides at the end, which has epitomised many of their results this season and also proves the old adage ‘there’s 6 inches between a clap in the back and a kick in the a***’

Our ladies team were also in action today against near neighbours St. Bernards who turned up with a well organised outfit. They gave a much tougher test relative to last week but the breeze played puck in the first half making conditions difficult for Colemanstown’s ladies. Caretaker manager Tessa Mullins had to fill the big boots of her sister Kara but did so with ultimate ease as everyone fell under her spell and in addition put in a mighty shift for the 90mins to add to her managerial role. There wasn’t too much to shout about in the first half apart from an Anna Grant effort which was tipped out for a corner and Tessa Mullins saw her well taken effort saved by the St. Bernards custodian. 0-0 at the break. A little reshuffling of the team at half time saw Catherine Burke reinstated to old her position on the right wing and she made a notable change when introduced. Colemanstown’s ladies broke the deadlock 10mins into the 2nd half when Shauna  Ward acted as provider and Natasha Finn finished the move with her knee. It may not have been the most handsome goal but in these kinda circumstances it doesn’t matter what part of the anatomy the ball deflects off once it finds the net. This settled our ladies and one knew there was more to come. Our 2nd goal was a joy to behold; a splendid move which originated from Shauna Ward at right back involving Catherine Burke who raced at speed up the line dancing around the ball at times, before releasing to the well positioned Mullins who sailed an unstoppable drive past a hapless keeper. It was a great passage of play resulting in a gleeful score and was well applauded by the vocal loyal home supporters. Catherine Burke also had an effort from well outside the box which was well saved while Grainne Barrett who was superb with the spot kicks saw her well taken free kick clip the crossbar.  So a good 2-0 result, keeping our ladies up there towards the top of the table and a good team effort in the absence of the regular manager and one feels there just maybe a new dawn rising for this ladies team.

Hats off also to the organisers of Pearses half century birthday celebrations who put on a great show and some splendid entertainment over the weekend.