U12 Bravehearts lose out in atrocious conditions

On a day when the weather would inspire us all to stay wrapped up and snug in bed our u-12 bravehearts braved torrential downpours and screaming winds for their 9:30 K.O. against Salthill Devon. How this game was played no-one will ever know; it was the only juvenile Galway FA fixture to survive a blanket call off of all juvenile games called by the Galway FA. Colemanstown manager David Gilligan who took to the pitch still wearing his pyjamas was quickly awoken to the sound of the goalposts toppling over with the driving wind. This game was solely dominated by the wind; possession statistics for Colemanstown in the first half; 90%/10% aided by the wind and this was completely reversed in the 2nd half in Salthill’s favour. Shane Burke set up Kellie Brennan for the opening goal a few minutes into the game with his accurate midfield pass to Kellie who finished neatly from close range. Jason Keane on the left wing assisted in Kellie Brennan’s second goal when she slotted the ball under the keeper’s legs. Other chances fell to Thady Moran in the 1st half but he was unfortunate and just wide of the mark. 2-0 at the interval as Colemanstown’s youngsters had a brief chance to at least slightly thaw out thanks to the copious amounts of tea and biscuits supplied by Grainne Lally. In the 2nd half, Colemanstown knew they’d have a battle against the wind alone. Their backs were to the wall for the entire 2nd half. Salthill made it 2-1 five minutes after the restart and for the resultant ten minutes Colemanstown withstood piles of pressure but eventually buckled as Salthill made it 2-2 which seemed a fair result but in the last kick of the game, as Salthill pushed on, Colemanstown conceded a scrappy goal to win 3-2. Colemanstown were ‘almost happy to lose’ this one just to get in out of the cold but they certainly didn’t deserve to loose in the dying seconds of a game like this. There were tremendous performances on the part of every player who put their heart and soul into this game. Jason Fahy was exceptional in goals notably in the 2nd half when the pressure was on. Ethan Lally & Josh Brennan were rock solid in defence while Kyle Maguire-Greaney was a tower of strength helping out the backs. Shane Burke & Jason Keane ran themselves to the ground on the wings while Thady Moran & Aaron Molloy anchored midfield. Up front Kellie Brennan, as always, was a threat and helped out her midfield when required in the second half. Luke Mitchell & Mika Harun also played an important role when introduced. Even though this was a loss for Colemanstown u12’s, no one will ever remember the result, they will only remember the weather!Meanwhile the ‘A’ team’s game against West Utd on Sunday was abandoned just before half time due to water ponding on the pitch.