CUFC AGM update 2014

Colemanstown United held it’s AGM last evening, 25th August 2014. The following is the officer board for the 2014/15 season:  Chairman: TJ Carr; Secretary: Martina Donnellan; Joint Treasurers: Kenny Duane & Adrian Burke; Football Facilitator: Gerry Moran; Website Officer: Martina Donnellan. Other committee members include all team managers & assistant managers for this coming season as well as Cora Clancy, Marguerite Moran, PJ Finnerty, Garry O’Grady, Ross Sullivan & Orla McCaffrey. The club reviewed a successful season last year both on and off the field. We had a hugely successful Colemanstown 10k and Footgolf tournament and congratulations were extended to our ladies team on winning the Cup final beating Shiven Rovers in Tuam in a tight encounter. It was agreed that monthly meetings would be held heretofore on the first Monday of every month in order to plan the year ahead and manage club affairs in a more structured & organised manner. We now have 500 ‘likes’ on facebook so to raise our profile even more, keep it going by ‘liking’ & ‘sharing’