Cruel Loss for U14’s in last game of season

David Gilligan had to organise a caretaker manager from his sick bed at short notice yesterday evening for the u14’s last game of the season at home to Kinvara. No one more so to step up to the mark than Jayo Finn and massive thanks to Jason for his trojan efforts at very short notice, his steely core & helping out heart. Underneath that big frame of his, is a huge heart and passion galore (for football that is!) and there was first hand proof of that yesterday.  Although fielding with only 10 lads due to a number of injuries and unavailability of players, these U14 boys played fantastic end to end football and were by far the superior team but a 1-0 loss late in the game was cruelly inflicted. They worked tirelessly in what was one of their best displays of the season. Alan Naughton blasted the ball against the woodwork twice in the 2nd half and was also caught offside on a few occasions. The back four, Shane Burke, Ethan Lally, Josh Brennan & Jason Keane were tough & outstanding against a stronger, more physical Kinvara outfit. Mika Harun & Adam Wynne dominated the middle of the park while Shane Loughrey & Thady Moran provided great support for our sole striker Alan Naughton who put in an impressive shift. Kinvara scored the winner late in the game which resulted from a counter attack. Stand in keeper Robert Cosgrove who put in a man of the match display with some impressive saves and reading of the game, has to be admired for standing between the posts in the absence of regular keeper Daniel Glynn. He was unlucky with the goal, having initially saved well but somehow got disposed and the Kinvara striker found the net despite the best efforts of a  combination of Ethan Lally & Josh Brennan who tracked back in an attempt to stop the ball from finding the net. However, there should be no despair as these lads have played some magnificent football this season and particularly in the last few weeks. Big thanks to Bernie Burke who provided some splendid grub and fed the multitudes after the game and to Bridie Gilligan, David’s mum who provided the sambos. Thanks to the parents for their support all season and massive thanks to the sick man himself, David Gilligan whose presence on the sideline has been immense all year and he certainly has the midas touch, almost everything he touches turns to gold and breeds success. He has a massive relationship with the players & parents and his cool calculating manner and approach to training and games is insurmountable.  So roll on next season lads, there will be plenty of more football action in store. And to finish, thank you David, players, parents & Jayo…..